
  • song
  • albert





Songs and Tunes

Amazing Grace Did You (BSR151)
Ananta (1977) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
Andy Mackie Sunshine Did You (BSR151)
Ballad of the Loch Ness Monster When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Boy On Rock In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Celebration In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Cistern 138 in D Did You (BSR151)
Clicka dem Bones When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Coda Coda In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Coffeehouse of Glory Did You (BSR151)
Coffeehouse of Glory Port Townsend Dreams (BAF 2)
Confluence Did You (BSR151)
Conversations with the River The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Conversations with the River (Instr.) Double Dulcimer Magic (GM107)
Convocation In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Cornwall Double Dulcimer Magic (GM107)
Cornwall  (1977) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
Deep Down in my Heart When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Did You Did You (BSR151)
Dixie’s Land The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Dog Gnarled When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Firenze  (1977) (Melody for Richard & Mimi) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
Firenze (Melody for Richard & Mimi) The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Garden of My Dreams Did You (BSR151)
Goodnight My Dear Sister Did You (BSR151)
Hollow Log Did You (BSR151)
I Do Believe in Love Did You (BSR151)
In the Fall Crossover (KM 308)
In The Garden In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Invocation In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
John B. Sails Key West Dulcimer Fest (JOB7)
Krummi (Krew-me) The Raven Crossover (KM 308)
Last Tango in Tantra The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Learning to Dance In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Like a Ship Crossover (KM 308)
Love is a Disease When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Middle of the Morning Did You (BSR151)
Molly's Song Did You (BSR151)
Moon Void When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Mud Bug Boogie Under the Porch Light (BSR304)
One Sweet Caress Did You (BSR151)
Paradise Boy Crossover (KM 308)
Poker Face Smile  (1977) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
Poker Face Smile Crossover (KM 308)
Reykjavik Hands Across The Sea  (HMM101)
Rhythum (Ree-thum) The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Saint Peter Double Dulcimer Magic (GM107)
Salvador do Bahia Crossover (KM 308)
Saturday Night When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Sing Sailor Crossover (KM 308)
Sing Sailor  (1977) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
Sing Sailor (Instr. Ver.) Double Dulcimer Magic (GM107)
Slow Train to Georgia When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Spring of ‘65 Crossover (KM 308)
St. Elmo’s Fire Out-take “When the Moon Fell on CA”
Storms on the Ocean The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Swannanoa Tunnel/Reuben’s Train The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Sweet After In the Garden of the Gods (BSR309)
Symphony to Just One Girl Did You (BSR151)
Tabac Allegría Crossover (KM 308)
The Day Before the Night Before Christmas Did You (BSR151)
The Mudbug Boogie Did You (BSR151)
Very Best Night of the Year When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Very Best Night of the Year (Instr.) Double Dulcimer Magic (GM107)
Wabash Cannonball The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Waltzing Matilda/Anthem The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Waltzing with Bears When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Wellyn The Art of Dulcimer (KM217)
Wellyn  (1977) Pacific Rim Dulcimer Project (BC1314)
When the Moon Fell on California When the Moon Fell on CA (KM318)
Workaday Daddy Crossover (KM 308)